Sea Day #2 - Arabian Sea

March 12, 2025

We crossed the equator last night and have the certificates to prove it!  I’m enjoying watching the water go counterclockwise down the drain. Another lazy day but we passed an absolutely massive pod of dolphins that went on for at least a mile.  It was crazy beautiful and helped me with my stressing about all the garbage I’ve been seeing floating by.  As they said in Jurassic Park – Life will find a way!

Admittedly, I’m a little nervous being so close to Somalia and their pirates.  Tod says I’m overreacting to worry and that they only attack cargo ships.  But I clearly remember Leon Klinghoffer (Google it if you don’t know the name) and I will rest easier when we get further away.  Actually, when I first booked this cruise, we were supposed to go up through the Suez Canal, but our route was changed due to the current situation in the Middle East.

It looks like we’re heading into some rain this evening. Maybe the ship will finally rock a bit?

Tomorrow we arrive at Victoria, the Seychelles.


Sea Day #1 – Arabian Sea